Top Ten Marketing Ideas

I love top ten lists! I often use them to fall asleep. Counting sheep is so 80s. Here is a top ten list for a business

This list is partially inspired by the book Traction, but as a co-incidence I also had this on my mind.

  1. Brand a car

  2. Experiment with SEO

  3. Create a Linked-In campaign

  4. Send a once-off newsletter to all clients, e.g. end of year letter summarizing the year

  5. Design a campaign (e.g. Christmas campaign)

  6. Create a new Facebook post promoting a product

  7. Promote an old Facebook post

  8. Have a launch event

  9. Do a survey to existing clients

To be completed. After #9 it became hard.

Tagged: marketing
Updated: 1 year ago

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