Upcoming Features for My Blog

A list of upcoming features for My Blog. This Draft document contains ideas for the blog.

  • WHMCS products integration

  • About page

  • When there are no tags, remove "Tagged:"

  • Home page meta tag setting

  • Submit more pages to Google's search engine

  • Test contact form

    • Store contact form entries in a database

  • "Description" on post edit page should read "Meta Description" because that's all that it will ever be used for

  • It would be great to see per page, page views

Original copy from Linux Text Editor:

  • Home page specific meta description in settings?

  • Pagination on blog index

  • Crude WHMCS integration

  • Contact Page

    • Setting for where forms are emailed to

    • Store contact form submissions in the database


  • Show all categories. When you click here the breadcrumbs must be up to Eugene's Blog -> Categories -> Website Performance

  • Ability to edit authors

  • Dark mode?

Updated: 1 year ago

© 2022 Eugene's Blog