Did Google Search Console just ban me?

A new site website. It's never been added to Google's index. It's just a few blog pages with pictures and content. Yet Google Search Console says there is an N/A security issue?? What gives.

Incredulously a newly listed site is already displaying a security warning. This in site that the site has never even been listed on Google's search engine. This we know because the SITE:URL displays nothing.

However, what we do see, is suspect traffic from India.

google_search_console_security_warning.png 91.08 KB

Interestingly this appeared the day I listed the site. As you can see, the site isn't even in Google's engine yet:about_0_results_for_this_blog.png 33.26 KB

So what gives? Apparently this is the clue:

These pages attempt to trick users into doing something dangerous, such as installing unwanted software or revealing personal information.

A 'Learn more' links show this:

  • Hacked content: This is any content placed on your site without your permission because of security vulnerabilities in your site. In order to protect our users, Google tries its best to keep hacked content out of our search results.

  • Malware and unwanted software: This is software that is designed to harm a device or its users, that engages in deceptive or unexpected practices, or that negatively affects the user. Malware can be either installed by a hacker or the site owner.

  • Social engineering: This is content that tricks visitors into doing something dangerous, such as revealing confidential information or downloading software.

But here's the joke:

Deceptive pages are not showing any URLs. How does this work? Is the deceptive page not present?

Now here's the thing. This site has a few blog pages that is presenting alternatives to Google products. Is Google blocking me because they feel I am disparaging towards them? Am I paranoid? I guess time will tell and I'll update this post if things change.

Update 22 October 2022:

Added a sitemap.xml file to Google Search Console. Let's give it a few days and see if the situation improves.

Second Update 22 October 2022:

I must be paranoid! Just received an email from Google stating that the site is secure.

Go figure, I didn't change anything.

Updated: 1 year ago

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